dental myths

Myth #1:

Whiter Teeth Are Healthier Teeth

False: Your teeth may be white but this cannot show if there is an infection or cavities between the teeth. Pure white teeth do not equate to healthier teeth, although they should be on the whiter side. The natural color of teeth vary from one person to another where people with healthy teeth could have darker teeth than the next person.
Moreover, as we age our teeth become more discolored. “This is also the case with teeth when they begin to break down. This is why one often associates discoloration in the teeth with unhealthy teeth, however it is not always the case.
Myth #2: Bleaching Your Teeth Is Dangerous
False: Bleaching is a popular service being used throughout recent years with technology allowing for patients to get whiter smiles faster and safer.Few years ago, the materials used to bleach teeth were acidic and would actually break down enamel, but now these bleaching materials are PH neutral and do not show damage to the enamel or root of the tooth. “When you are bleaching your teeth, you are simply oxidizing your teeth using carbamide peroxide so that light refracts more favorably off the enamel. What can be dangerous is aggressively high concentrations of whitening gels that can traumatize or shock the tooth.Prolonged use of bleaching could cause sensitivity, but once one ceases to use the trays the pain should go away.
Myth 3: Brushing Your Bleeding Gums Is Bad
False: Brushing is not only good on teeth, but also on your gums and tongue. Brushing these areas helps get rid of plaque which is what causes inflammation, gingivitis, and eventually gum disease. This plaque can cause the gums to become inflamed and bleed if it is not removed.
If you have sensitive gums, not to brush too hard but MAKE SURE YOU BRUSH.Not brushing bleeding gums will surely increase your dental troubles.
Myth #5: Placing An Aspirin Next To A Tooth Will Alleviate Pain
Maybe: Although aspirin only works when it is in the blood steam. If the pain comes from the gum, aspirin can temporarily relieve some amount of the pain there. However, if it is coming from the actual tooth structure, the aspirin would have to enter the blood stream because it cannot get through the enamel to get to the nerve. It is not advised to overuse aspirin or oral gels to relieve gum pain because they can lead to burn symptoms on the gums.

Myth #6: Flossing Is Not Important

False: Flossing is an extra step many of us tend to skip after brushing our teeth but this can lead to the build-up of bacteria. If a patient doesn't floss, he/she is not cleaning almost 33% of their tooth surfaces that regular brushing can’t reach. Bacteria in those hard to reach places can cause gum disease, decay, and pain. Flossing is cheap, easy, and essential to oral health. Flossing is an easy way to maintain good oral health.

Myth #7:Medicines cures all dental problems

There are a number of patients who come for dental check up due to pain and ask if only medicines would cure them permanently of dental pain associated with a particular tooth.The answer is absolute NO.
Medicines only help to subside the infection to a certain extent however does not give relief permanently.Hence a dental treatment is needed to give a permanent relief from dental pain.


Milan Tomic

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