X-rays are a crucial part of diagnosis and treatment in oral health. They allow a dentist to view structures that are not visible to the naked eye because they are between teeth, under soft tissue, or within the bone. Without x-rays, some conditions cannot be detected or diagnosed.
X-rays help check for:
- Cavities
- Periodontal Disease
- Infections and abscesses
- Cysts
- Tumors
- Cancer
Dental X rays (IOPA)
A dentist may take X-rays of the teeth, jaw or specific teeth to look for specific problems, or to check on the general health of teeth.
Some X-rays are done with the film or sensor outside the oral cavity, others with the sensor inside.
The dentist or technician will leave the roof or stand behind a screen while the X-rays are taken.
Usually the dentist will be able to look at the X-rays on a screen straight after the images are taken.
Some X-rays are done with the film or sensor outside the oral cavity, others with the sensor inside.
The dentist or technician will leave the roof or stand behind a screen while the X-rays are taken.
Usually the dentist will be able to look at the X-rays on a screen straight after the images are taken.
There are two main types of dental X-rays: intraoral (meaning the X-ray film is inside the mouth) and extra oral (meaning the X-ray film is outside the mouth).
Intra oral x rays:With the sensor in the mouth, are the most common type of dental X-ray taken. These X-rays provide a lot of detail and allow your dentist to find decay or cavities, check the health of the root and bone surrounding the it, check the status of developing teeth, and monitor the general health of your teeth and jaw.
Extraoral X-rays, with the sensor outside the mouth, show teeth, but their main focus is on the jaw andskull. These X-rays do not provide the detail found with intra oral X-rays and therefore are not used for detecting cavities or for identifying problems with individual teeth. Instead, extra oral X-rays are used to look for impacted teeth, monitor growth and development of the jaws in relation to the teeth, and to identify potential problems between teeth and jaws and the temporo-mandibularjoint or other bones of the face
Intraoral x rays
There are several types of intra oral X-rays, each of which shows different aspects of teeth.
Bite-wing X-rays
Show details of the upper and lower teeth in one area of the mouth. Each bite-wing shows a tooth from its crown to about the level of the supporting bone. Bite-wing X-rays are used to detect decay between teeth and changes in bone density caused by gingival disease. They are also useful in determining the proper fit of a crown (or cast restoration) and the soundness (marginal integrity) of fillings.
Periapical X-rays show the whole tooth - from the crown to beyond the end of the root to where the tooth is anchored in the jaw.
Each periapical X-ray shows this full tooth dimension and includes all the teeth in one portion of either the upper or lower jaw. Periapical X-rays are used to detect any abnormalities of the root structure and surrounding bone structure
Occlusal X-rays are larger and show full tooth development and placement. Each X-ray reveals the entire arch of teeth in either the upper or lower jaw.
Extra oral x rays
There are several types of extra oral X-rays that your dentist may take.
Tomograms show a particular layer or "slice" of the mouth while blurring out all other layers. This type of X-ray is useful for examining structures that are otherwise difficult to see clearly - for instance, because other structures are very close to the structure to be viewed.
Cephalometric projections show the entire side of the head. This type of X-ray is useful for examining the teeth in relation to the jaw and profile of the individual. Orthodontists use this type of X-ray to develop their treatment plans.
However good the x rays may be its always co related to the clinical findings.
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